As of October 12, 2011, the url "" will no longer link to the Typepad version for Frameshop, but will link to an upgraded version of the site at The new Wordpress format was chosen to better serve the...
Editor of Frameshop launches series of posts to broaden discussion of Occupy Wall Street movement
Despite turning in a strong rhetorical performance in his State of the Union Address, President Obama must articualate a clear governing vision if he wants to lead the country out its political stalemate.
Once a symbol of "change," President Obama must now effect visceral change in the lives of working people or risk political failure.
Obama's State of the Union must present him as a bold leader.
To Save Democratic Party, Obama must Reclaim Core Economic Symbols
To answer the big question about U.S. policy in Afghanistan, voters first need to get up to speed on the core questions defining our role in the region.
The growing rift between Obama and his base is a political time bomb he must face.