© 2009 Jeffrey Feldman, Frameshop

Jeffrey Feldman is the author of Framing the Debate (Ig Publishing, 2007), Outright Barbarous (Ig Publishing, 2008), and Founder of the influential blog on politics and language called Frameshop (frameshopisopen.com), which launched as an independent website Jan. 1, 2005.

Dr. Feldman holds a Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology which he applies broadly to the analysis of politics and communication, ranging from election speeches, to issue campaigns, and media analysis.

When Dr. Feldman is not travelling throughout the world to speak on the role of language in politics, he can be found in New York City, where he lives and teaches. He also appears regularly on a variety of media outlets, including: CBC Newsworld, As It Happens (CBC Radio), Action Point With Cynthia Black (KPHX, Phoenix), The Peter B. Collins Show (KRXA, Monterey), The Thom Hartmann Radio Program, which can be heard locally and online via Air America Radio.

To inquire about a potential speaking engagement or consulting, please make initial contact by email .




Frameshop and all contents copyright © 2004-2009, Jeffrey Feldman. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted, content may not be reproduced without expressed written permission.